

Feb 14 2014

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Meeting with Jeff and Liv

I had a nice Valentine’s Day chat with Jeff and Liv last night at the Mallard. Below are a few thoughts we are tossing around.

Work Dates

We want to start earlier this year and finish the first iteration quickly. This will give us the most time to refine the art piece and make her truly sea worthy. Our first Work Party will be Saturday, March 15. We hope to have the first version completed a month later.


We are planning major lighting upgrades this year with the most significant being that we will use individually addressable LEDs.

This year we plan to run the lights off the generator to give them constant maximum power. Additionally, we will run the major 8 strands through transparent flex tubing to keep them safe from harm. The tubing will bend along a path that will form the outer shape.

We don’t have a plan yet for the 4 inner strands but we are not worried about it.

LED wall for Adobe and the Children’s Creativity Museum from Hero Design on Vimeo.

I like how simple and inviting the piece is. Since we are already going to be using Cool Neon’s fantastic Total Control Lighting anyway, I figured this interactive wall would be a cool goal to shoot for.

That being said, a simple webcam might be a better fit for the display. But hey, why choose? We still have time to build, right?


We applied a coat of lacquer to the steel last year but, sadly, this did no stop UNAVERZ from rust. Looks like we are going to hit the entire surface with a wire brush and then prime it with some form of rust inhibitor. We need to find one sold in California.


Jeff pointed out that we need to make sure the entrance is free of all obstacles. We can probably use our same railings as last year but we need to keep everything hanging out of the way of folks getting on and off.

Bottom Level Sides

The passenger side on the bottom level will be at least partially clear for view. The driver’s side bottom level will be enclosed in the jellies’ skin. This means we will not have any bikes on UNAVERZ this year. Yeah!

DJ On The Playa

This year we will be taking the DJ on and off UNAVERZ using the lift gate. The DJ coffin will be connected to the sound system through a wireless link. This should enable the DJ to be right down on the playa with the dancers.

This is the video that inspired me last year. (M$@ f%$&* Richie Hawtin!) This year we will get this going.

Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/meeting-with-jeff-and-liv/

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