Monthly Archive: August 2014

Aug 21 2014

The Lobata’s on the road!! & a few last bits before we follow

Wow! Wow! Wow! Everyone has worked so dedicatedly and devotedly! I am so grateful to be working with you all.

Tuesday, we finished up everything we possibly could and then took the Lobata apart. (I keep wanting to call the Lobata “her”, but Lobata’s are hermaphrodites, so I need a different pronoun for my animism.) …

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Aug 19 2014


Lots of great things happened today. Today was a very good day.

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Aug 17 2014

Getting down

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Aug 16 2014

It matters

Every single thing every single one of us does to move the art forward matters. With luck, performances like the one linked above will happen on UNAVERZ this year. We have been working all hours to give this the best chance of happening.

A big hearty thank you to everyone. You all matter. …

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Aug 16 2014

To do list 08/15/14

Take large front speakers off their dollys

Solder XLR connectors

Strap EVERYTHING under the first floor (this is not easy to figure out but must happen before we roll)

Position all four EONs

Create grills for new subs (return old one)

Place new wash lights on second floor

Create fiber optic art

Create entry way

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Aug 15 2014


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Aug 15 2014

Workin’ it

Getting work done. Nuff said.

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Aug 13 2014

It’s amazing

It boggles my mind how much work one crew can do in a single day.

Jan cut an entire hexiyurt and learned the theory of swamp coolers.

Sharifa and Caroline went to town on the LEDs and figured out how to get even the most busted up ones to work.

Mark compiled the LPD6803 library …

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Aug 12 2014

Wrapping LEDs

Hi beautiful builders,

We need to get our lights working for our lovely lobata.

There are old and new LED strips that need to be wrapped or re-wrapped.

The ones we wrapped previously were like this:

Layer 1) Cut the bubble wrap into 4” wide strips and wrap the lights so that there are two …

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Aug 10 2014

Video project – Lobata

Late notice, but does anyone want to splice together a 3-5 minute video of lobata? I would like to play it as a loop that projects onto the entrance of the truck. I would like visitors to see what these creatures really look like when they get on and off.

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