Of all the sunrise sets I have experienced, none top the music played the morning of the Embrace Burn. The Jonathan Barnes from Airpusher woke me from my slumber in the dome just before 7am. Charles and he wanted to get a bit closer to Embrace – but not so close as to be part …
Category Archive: Flavor
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/2014-stories-embrace-burn-sunrise-set-friday-morning/
Feb 19 2014
5am Wednesday Morning
Thank you Keith for hosting another stellar Pongo Lounge garage party. Thank you Derrick for hooking me up with this mix.
UNAVERZ left the playa before the Temple Burn in 2013. The mix below is from Robot Heart as we were stuck in a 7 hour traffic slog to get to the road. Minute 49 …
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/5am-wednesday-morning/
Feb 18 2014
Tuesday 02/18/14 Work Plans
Tuesday I would like to:
1) Build a rack out of wood for the steel. 2) Move all the steel out of the container and onto the rack. 3) Fire up the paint sprayer and test it out. 4) Prep-paint a bunch of wood for the homeless homes project.
I am free to …
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/tuesday-021814-work-plans/
Feb 16 2014
AS 02-16-14
Borrowed Tony’s truck and then visited Jeff to grab the welder and some tools. Swung by to get Sheri and headed over to American Steel to build a wall inside the container to hang light objects.
Yeah! It feels good to start working again.
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/as-02-16-14/
Jan 29 2014
Let’s fire up the sound!
So Smash has asked UNAVERZ to join his ‘Big Bad Wolf’ (that’s what they call their system when they put all three of the ‘Little Pig’ Kliptch sound systems together on a single stage) at the underground Fractal Fire festival in Tracy. The show is on a privately owned farm and runs from 6pm Friday …
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/lets-fire-up-the-sound/
Jan 22 2014
The amazingly cool Lobata.
Click to see more Images of Lobata
Also, here is an excellent blog post about a night dive in Hawaii [Yes, I WILL be doing this!]
Here some images if jellies for inspiration.
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/lobata/
Jun 02 2013
Kickstarter Links
I spent a few hours on Kickstarter tonight and figured I would share some links I found.
BAAAHS. I met Denise and Sean along with some fashionable new friends at Hard French. Sean was all in a froth about this fabü Kickstarter campaign. I love the video and can’t wait to connect UNAVERZ …
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/kickstarter-links/
May 16 2013
A Sea of Trucks
Fun stuff when UNAVERZ gets to hang out with Tony’s and Jeff’s trucks. I think she is happy knowing these little tikes are hauling stuff for her growth.
Good Times™
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/a-sea-of-trucks/
May 16 2013
Our New Table
Buck tests out our welding machine for the first time.
Jeff demonstrating how to bend pipe.
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/our-new-table/
Apr 18 2013
Deck Structure Ideas from Napili
While walking along the Napili Beach in Maui I saw these two structures at the Napili Kai. The first is a sun shade and wind block.
This second one is a sun shade that would be perfect to use as our movie screen. It is maybe 15′ in diameter.
Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/deck-structure-ideas-from-napili/