Monthly Archive: July 2014

Jul 31 2014

Le Lounge Pongeaux

Daniel going to town. Can’t stop.

Work Party Saturday to build these. Show up after noon at Bay 3 at:

American Steel Studios 1960 Mandela Parkway Oakland CA 94607

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Jul 31 2014

Jules dives deep and Luna becomes a welder

Jules does some of her best work ever. Coming down the stairs you feel like you are entering a pool. Stunning.

Luna puts her surgical skills to work and comes up a bonafide welder. Thanx again to Mike for giving the expert tips.

We also unloaded the truck, hung the comb lines, broke the band …

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Jul 30 2014

The Nod – 08/01/14

Hello everyone,

The Nod (scene from the movie Groove)

UNAVERZ will be throwing our first public party this Friday at American Steel. We call our parties “The Nod” after the classic scene in the movie Groove. We throw parties to make people happy… to mean something. Please come and have some fun with us.

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Jul 29 2014


What can I say? These guys are the best people on the planet.

I am so very happy 🙂

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Jul 29 2014

Gone Fistin’

Peter came by to start the night out. Before you could say ‘ouch’ we had a whole crew gathered to watch Kito launch his Gone Fistin’ boat. In the midst of all this fun, we actually finished the generator carriage and a number of comb line adjustments.

Oh, and it looks like we have space …

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Jul 28 2014

Work Schedule – 07/28/14

Monday 8pm- Finish welding generator carriage Install and wire breakers to generator

Tuesday 1pm-8pm Pick up sound system in San Jose Test sound upon return Wire downstairs and upstairs Weld speaker stands to rails upstairs Unload sound system for painting Clean downstairs floor for painting Head off to Pongo Party!!! Woot 🙂

Wednesday 3pm- Weld …

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Jul 28 2014

UNAVERZ To-Do List – 07/28/14

Below is a summary of work that must be performed before we leave on August 20. Please let me know if you can help with any of this.

Comb Lines: Drill bolts into all side arms Standardize all screws as #10s 4 screws per side of connecting ends

Railings: Clear coat top railings in various …

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Jul 28 2014

Lots to do, lots getting done

Mike, Bella, Sheri and Daniel all put in good hours today. We have the generator holder mostly up, the stuff closets are cleared, all of last years LEDs and wiring have been removed, we are far along on the skirt and Danielle has started painting the steps. We even gave away Buck’s red benches. Yipps …

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Jul 26 2014

OMG ticket sale

If you don’t have your tickets yet, please register for the OMG sale.

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Jul 26 2014


UNAVERZ goes out every night during Burning Man. We normally leave after 10pm and don’t return until after sunrise. Once we leave the city we generally drive to a location we like and park for a few hours. However, the driver is in control and can pretty much do as they please.

All drivers …

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