Monthly Archive: July 2013

Jul 25 2013

Did you say you wanted to help build a Mutant Vehicle?

Of course you do. Learn knew skills, brush up on old ones and hang out with some of the coolest people on the planet.

We will, literally, be raising the roof of UNAVERZ from 9am on.

108 S 4th St Richmond, CA 94804 Saturday and Sunday July 27 and 28 From 9am onwards

Steel …

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Jul 24 2013


I just can’t get over how much I like this dance sequence. Been watching it for years now. Sure hope we can have some folks like this up on deck =)

I decided to watch the above video again because we introduced Sharifa to Parov Stelar last night (thanx again Sean!) Below is my …

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Jul 21 2013

Lots of screwing going on

David showed up to demonstrate his screwing technique. While breaking a lot of tips in the process, he successfully completed screwing the bottom floor and almost finished off the top floor before his body was spent.

Sam and Elise showed up to help frame the skirt and assemble the kitchen structure with Sharifa. Mark …

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Jul 19 2013


Bending steel. That is what today was all about.

That… and a fabü drawing by Jules, lots of yellow busses, Chow dessert, Jake filming and learning to weld galvanized steel like a Boss! What?!


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Jul 17 2013

New faces, sound and art

The last few days have been quiet busy. Sharifa, Lindsay and Anita have joined our group! We received on offer to partner with Frequency Sound that has now fallen through. And we had a stellar art meeting where we finalized the downstairs art, hoisted couches and shared a fantastic meal together. Good times all around …

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Jul 13 2013

Sound, bending and a bit of welding

Showed up and Jeff was hard at work framing the top floor. Sean was busy getting Dairy tip-top. Sheri immediately got to work cutting two 52″ steel beams for the front and then welding them into place.

My task today was to update the server so the iOS WordPress uploads work correctly. I then …

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Jul 12 2013

Top floor

The factory is organized, stair welds are being finished and the top floor is going up!

…and we are in the hunt for a sound system worthy of the georgeous monster of a grand time we are building 🙂

We are specifically looking for three sub woofers and two mid/highs.

Sub #1: 29″ x 37″ …

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Jul 10 2013


Steps were completed today. Yeah! The world looks totally different from the top 🙂

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Jul 08 2013


Lots and lots got done… not the least of which we played pool over at Buck’s ’til the wee hours.

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Jul 07 2013

A full work day

We put in a full work day today and ended it with a fabü BBQ chef’ed by David.

Sheri welded. Sean framed and cut. Daniel programmed. David drilled. Keith cut steel. Kat organized, sent emails and modified clothing. Jules procurred outfits. Jeff supervised, welded and designed. I welded and designed. And, well… Buck was …

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