Monthly Archive: June 2014

Jun 29 2014


Bella hung out at Pride before helping us on the truck. Below are her thoughts with pix.


This is NOT the outfit I wore w/ Sheriff Makarimi’s contingent. It was for Sutter, but we ran late and didn’t meet the Sutter contingent, we took the unicorns out and rode around the …

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Jun 28 2014

Does anyone have a tuba?

UNAVERZ is a different kind of sound truck. We have instruments available for anyone who wishes to play. Currently we plan to have the following items for use:

trombone sax flute keyboard guitar bass vocal mics

It would be cool if we could offer

tuba snare hihat trumpet

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Jun 28 2014

Hanging out

Today Steven Bruce finished spraying our rails. Jules, Bella Sean, Adam and I helped, but Steven did all the real work.

I guess we figured since we hung the rails for him to spray we should go hang with Craig and his crew after. Well, we didn’t leave until 3am. I, personally, blame most of …

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Jun 26 2014


Am I reposting an email sent to me by Krystle because it so totally blows my mind. With luck, she will help us again this year with UNAVERZ.

Well, I hiked all day and night (like, ALL NIGHT) under the full Moon, up to Vulcan Santa Maria – 12,000+ feet to catch the …

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Jun 25 2014

The spray

As the day crew retired, the night crew took over. Bella came straight from a 14 hour shift and David followed shortly after he was finished with work. And then the crew really started taking shape with Adam, Caroline and eventually Teph all coming to learn from Master Steven Bruce.

And a master he …

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Jun 25 2014

Four-way stretch

Sounds kinda kinky and Sean is just the man for the job. We hit two fabric stores on the hunt for stretchy Lycra or spandex. Sean particularly enjoyed talking to the costume designer who ended up selling us 17 yards (Sean insists they are meters) of fabric.

Came back, played with it a bit …

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Jun 23 2014

Discovering Gramatik

Yes, I am late to the party… but it is a fun journey just the same.

Here is the song that first introduced me to him a bit ago.

Gramatik – Just Jammin

Gramatik – Hit That Jive

This is the most popular song he has on YouTube. I hope folks dance like …

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Jun 22 2014

I was robbed!!

Unfortunately, Nick really was. But like a true Ozzie, he jumped right back into it and ground like a boss! Sheri practiced her TIG until she had to take a break when her arm brushed the practice piece. Ouch! Michelle brought her pooch and some ice for Nick’s jaw and Sheri’s arm.

All in, …

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Jun 15 2014

X32 firmware upgrade

The Behringer X32 Rack firmware has been upgraded to 2.05. Now we can control it wirelessly with an iPhone/iPad.

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Jun 14 2014

This grinder is kicking my ass

Ugh! The center axel is toast. I got a new one from Harbor Freight but want to use the old base as it has the handle welded on.

In order to do that I need to extract the old axel. Hours of coddling, yelling and banging is getting maddeningly close… But it just won’t …

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