Monthly Archive: July 2015

Jul 28 2015

Training has begun

Training for Burning Man has officially begun. Johannes texted me at 2:45am and asked me to join him around the fire. I arrived to find a lively foosball session and plenty of good links to music. Below are two. Enjoy

Amazing voice. Rare find. Listen.

“I’m going to make you mine!”

Fantastic movie. Wonderful …

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Jul 27 2015

The Shuffle Co-Op – Unaverz Free Pot Luck

The Shuffle CoOp and Unaverz threw a wonderful free potluck at Middle Harbor Shoreline Park. We had a great time with some groovy people.

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Jul 24 2015

Let’s work on stuff no one will see

We’ve been doing The True Work™ of Unaverz by upgrading systems no one will ever see. I was here last night until 5am. Vince, Sheri, Matt and Erich are all putting in crazy hours.

A friend asked; “It’s Friday night. I thought you would be at a party.” But we are! We are at the …

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Jul 21 2015

Berkeley Spark 3.0

Berkeley Spark 3.0 was even more fun than last year. Our local Unaverz Crew came out in force and we enjoyed gifting our art. Our DJ lineup was simply killer and we all rolled with the inevitable hiccups that come as we get ready for the playa.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this …

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Jul 16 2015

All packed and ready for Spark

Vince, Justine, Wendy and Josh learned how to box up the truck and get her ready for the road tonight. It took the four of them just over 2 hours from start to finish. Let’s see if we remembered everything!



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Jul 15 2015

Water for steam

SnoKoan Solar gifts fabulous steam baths to the playa. In additional to filtering the water for steam, Todd is in charge of creating a 30psi warm and cold water system for the entire camp of 80 people. 

This year they are going Big Time and have bought a 48′ moving trailer for hauling their camp …

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Jul 14 2015

A night of priming

We grabbed 5 gallons of primer and Adira got down while I patched up leaks in two Tubas. We are steadily moving the ball forward. 


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Jul 12 2015

Do you want to fly?

Put your hands together.

George sez it takes energy to bring the Mother Ship. These tubas might just do it. They are slaaaaamin’!!

When I decided to build a mutant vehicle three years ago I had two desires:

1) Create the maximum performance space.

2) Build the best sound system I could afford.

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Jul 12 2015

Work party and camp meet

We came to party! And boy did we. What fun! 🙂











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Jul 11 2015

Work Party Prep

Ran to Alco Metals to pick up supplies. Also stopped off at Ace and Home Depot. (We even visited Jaimie’s spot to look at the mutant vehicle Sheri is helping to weld.) Tomorrow is El Cerrito Natural (for food) and Atlas (for gas). It must be Prep Day for a Work Party. 

Yupp, Sheri spent …

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