Category Archive: Krystal Pizzuti

Mar 19 2015

A list: the gist


It’s been a long while since I’ve made a list in brief poetic prose, here’s the full gist: 8 months and some weeks 4 countries & currencies The most northern tippy-top to the “End of the World” 13,000 miles by land, air, and sea 600 miles hitchhiking with me …

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Mar 15 2015

Krystal goes to Lollapalooza Chile

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Mar 11 2015

Krystal in Santiago

First I read this from the Burning Man Blog: Graduated from Burning Man

Then I received this voice memo from Krystal:

Then I received these photos:

Krystal sez: those were all taken with my phone. now, here are some from my camera:

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Jun 26 2014


Am I reposting an email sent to me by Krystle because it so totally blows my mind. With luck, she will help us again this year with UNAVERZ.

Well, I hiked all day and night (like, ALL NIGHT) under the full Moon, up to Vulcan Santa Maria – 12,000+ feet to catch the …

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Aug 03 2013

Rails, stairs and the Sun

Today was another fantastic work day. Yeah!

Sheri and Krystal knotched the lower rails and welded them into place. David and Sean built the back stairs. Jeff went to town on the Sun. Todd and I placed the LED order – over $500!!! Teph learned how to weld (with Krystal). And Sharifa helped us organize …

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