Monthly Archive: April 2014

Apr 16 2014

Buck’s Shop

Here are some pictures of Buck’s Shop.

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Apr 15 2014

Nahko Bear (Medicine for the People) – Aloha Ke Akua

Aloha Ke Akua

Lend your ears, lend your hands, Lend your movement, anything you can. Come to teach, come to be taught. Come in the likeness in the image of God. Cause, you can be like that. With all that humbleness, and all that respect.

All of the power invested in me, be …

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Apr 13 2014


Amy, Sheri and Sharifa at Airpusher/NIMBY party last night.

Amy said it was her favorite Burning Man party outside of Burning Man.

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Apr 12 2014

Let’s Do This! 2014

DMV Registration Acceptance Letter 2014


Mutant Vehicle: UNAVERZ Registration #: M14-0186 Owner: Ulan McKnight

This is an invitation to bring your Mutant Vehicle to Burning Man 2014 for on-playa inspection.

And the journey begins again. So happy. So very, very happy 🙂

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Apr 10 2014

To-Do List – 04-10-14

Please feel free to add comments below.


-finish grinding -enlarge the holes-one per end rail -autoclear finish (Max?) ​-build first floor railings     -right side: high bar for hands above head level; and low rail? Or waist height?     ​​-left side: replace straight galvanized rail with wavy steel?

Kick Board

​-top …

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Apr 07 2014

3 Images

Sketch 1

This is a new drawing with descriptions of notable items.

Artistic SketchUp

Below are two ideas based on SketchUp 3D models.

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Apr 06 2014

Jeff SketchUps

Jeff goes to town and shows off his talents! Yeah 🙂

Note: The Burning Man Hotties asked us to submit some additional drawings and specs for the lobate. Folks on the design team have responded. The SketchUp images below show scale and orientation. They do not include lights, shade structure, rear entrance, artwork, etc.

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Apr 01 2014

New design ideas

We need to come up with a better view of the final art. Here is an example of the type if image we need.

Here are some new design ideas.

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