Monthly Archive: June 2013

Jun 29 2013

More welding and redesigns

Sean and I got real handy with the hammer and grinder while putting up a other cross member.

Jules had the bright idea to ask Buck for his thoughts on art and before you knew it we had a full-on art redesign of the top floor including pulleys, pivots and lots of flashing lights. …

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Jun 28 2013

Welding, welding and redesigns

Sean and I put in some welding time. Sean suggests we run the stairs sideways and Jeff set to work figuring out how to do that. I ordered more steel only to find out we need to cut off some inches on our existing stock.

Mistakes are made. Fortunately they can be corrected with …

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Jun 27 2013

The Four Musketeers put up a second floor

The three of us got started and, like in the book, d’Artagnan showed up after a day of revelry to make the impossible seem easy.


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Jun 26 2013

Lets really work!

Today was a seriously full work day. We started at 8:30 and didn’t finish until after 11pm!

Dr. Reelz displayed his skills (and partied with us late into the night at Housepitality). We overheated, then broke and then fixed our welder. Sean tricked out his cruiser and installed speakers. Jules painted and helped with …

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Jun 25 2013

Bents, frames and good friends

Lots and lots of framing today.

Work Crew: Jeff, Ulan, Sean, Sheri, Buck (honorary mention goes to Jessica for naming Sean U-Turn)

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Jun 24 2013

Is it racked?

The question of the day involves squares and if the bed is racked. Sita says we may be inspired by choke tomatoes. Ok.

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Jun 23 2013

Painting on a wet day

Jane and Amanda paint while Sean and I entertain.

Work Crew: Jane, Amanda, Sean and Ulan

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Jun 22 2013

Layout Party

What a great day!!

Mamak came up with her friends and family from Orange County just to help. They were amazing and Ava was nice enough to share her music with us 🙂

Sheri laid down a lot of metal and Adam cleaned up and offered lots of advice. Jules started a lengthy discussion on …

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Jun 21 2013

Tools and tricks of the trade

Our education continues. Were we welding last night without gas? Maybe. Should we be using flux core to get into these hard places? Most def.

Buck came over early and inspected our welds. Looks like we are doing a good job.

Full speed ahead for Jeff and I. Picked up a new helmet …

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Jun 20 2013

Joy ride and steel plates

Grabbed Jules for an impromptu joy ride to Point Rayes. Returned determined to get all four steel plates welded into place. Sean returned after a day in SF to take a turn at welding.

Jeff showed up to lend a hand. Then Jules and Sarah arrived to offer good cheer. Sheri was called up to …

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