

Feb 18 2014

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Tuesday 02/18/14 Work Plans


Tuesday I would like to:

1) Build a rack out of wood for the steel.
2) Move all the steel out of the container and onto the rack.
3) Fire up the paint sprayer and test it out.
4) Prep-paint a bunch of wood for the homeless homes project.

I am free to work from 9-2 or 3.

If time permits, I would like to improve the wiring inside the container for electricity and lights. Specifically, I would like to put in a switch right at the door to turn the lights on and tighten up the hanging wire. I think I know how to do this but if anyone has some thoughts I would love to hear them.

For extra credit, we need to build a (preferably rolling) wooden bench for tools and projects. This could be made out of pallets. It must be strong enough to hold 200lbs or more. This is where our drill press and circular saw will live and it will be used to lay out and assemble projects.

Oh, and if we clean out the container, I would love to empty UNAVERZ and store the sound equipment inside đŸ™‚

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