

Jul 30 2014

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The Nod – 08/01/14

Hello everyone,

The Nod (scene from the movie Groove)

UNAVERZ will be throwing our first public party this Friday at American Steel. We call our parties “The Nod” after the classic scene in the movie Groove. We throw parties to make people happy… to mean something. Please come and have some fun with us.

Public UNAVERZ party “The Nod

American Steel Studios
1960 Mandela Parkway (@ West Grand)
Oakland, CA 94607

When does it start:
When the first DJ jumps on the decks

When does it end:
When the last record spins (we may have to turn it down a bit if we run past 2am)

American Steel Studios is part of Art Murmur / First Fridays. The decision was made not to participate this month which leaves UNAVERZ free to use the entrance space as we see fit. A party is in order.

This is a free BYO Whatever event. If you feel like it, hit up one of the Builders of the UNAVERZ and hand them a donation for all the work they put into making this gift.


Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/the-nod-080114/

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