

Jun 20 2016

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Precom Thank You!

A great big Thank You™ goes out to everyone who made Precom 2016 happen.

I especially want to thank the folks from BMORG and in particular Blondie, Jonesy, Lumina and Griffin. You guys are so much fun to work with.

All of our performers were great. We loved hosting the Disco Knights DJs as they took over in exactly the way they are so famous for.

Madeline Daniels and Lady Amy (Unaverz/Lace and Bass) vs Lycan Catt (Unaverz), Dave Lloyd (Unaverz/Numbskull) vs David Alumbaugh (Unaverz) [with live music by Yohann Merra and Derek Fairchild], Charles Vickery (Unaverz) and Alex Lin (Unaverz/Shuffle Co-Op) vs Mike Perry (Disco Knights), Shiny Objects (Disco Knights) and our excellent closer Ed Mazur (Disco Knights)

But the night truly belongs to our all-volunteer crew who rocked it like only we can. Thank you one and all =)

Arseniy, Seva, Justine, Paul, David Daniels, Noaa, Mariah, Peter, Rachel, Brandon, Michelle, Kenneth, Sarah, Mike SmileZ, Jessie, Josh, Carmela, Della, Oliver, Neon Bunny, Ivan, Michael Kearney, Nicky Nicky, Masha, Erich, Wendy, Vince and the one who makes it all come together, Sheri.






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Permanent link to this article: https://unaverz.com/wp/precom-thank-you/

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