Tag Archive: Truck pictures

Apr 06 2013

Sides Are Gone :)


Permanent link to this article: http://unaverz.com/wp/sides-are-gone/

Apr 04 2013

Sides Off!

Sides are coming off 🙂

Permanent link to this article: http://unaverz.com/wp/sides-off/

Mar 28 2013

‘Before’ Pix – 03-28-13

I took a few current pix of UNAVERZ today. Figured we should have some ‘before’ pix 🙂

Permanent link to this article: http://unaverz.com/wp/before-pix-03-28-13/

Mar 28 2013

UNAVERZ is registered with DMV

I went down and transferred the ownership of UNAVERZ with DMV! Yeah, now we officially own the truck.

Permanent link to this article: http://unaverz.com/wp/unaverz-is-registered-with-dmv/

Mar 09 2013

Wheels Off!

Yeah!! We finally have the wheels off! Now Max can fix the breaks. Yippee!

Permanent link to this article: http://unaverz.com/wp/wheels-off/