Monthly Archive: September 2016

Sep 25 2016

Hard, workin’ it

That was a hell of a lot of work! Wow!

Started off the day around 10am with Keith organizing a small sound system for Cali’s The People Party.

I grabbed the truck, picked up Mike Hatt at West Oakland BART and actually started to unpack just before 1. I guestimated that it should take …

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Sep 23 2016

It’s time to clean up!


It’s been a couple of weeks and, hopefully, everyone has had a successful reentry. I’ve been climbing all over the truck almost a dozen times since we have been back and I can finally declare:

It’s time to clean up!

Short notice but… if anyone wants to join us, Mike Hatt and I will …

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Sep 12 2016

Post-Burn rest

Unaverz has made it home to Richmond and is resting.

Hats off to the boys and girls who broke her down, sorted camp, packed everything up, mooped… and drove her home. Songs will be sung in your honor! Your accomplishments are legendary 🙂

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Sep 11 2016

Our new studio

We have a new 10 x 25 foot studio space at Bridge Storage and Art Space in Richmond.

Bridge is owned and operated by some excellent Burners and is the home of a variety of cool artists (mostly non-Burners). Unaverz already lives here. It makes perfect sense that we would expand to build new …

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Sep 10 2016

Burning Man 2016 – Jessi

1️⃣ Me and my friends believe that fire is the bringer of destruction, war and chaos. But it also acts as the purifier of these things, a great equalizer and the light for a new beginning . It can cleanse the earth… Use it wisely and protect yourself first…. .

2️⃣ Be kind to …

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Sep 10 2016

Burning Man 2016 – Christina

Burning Man 2016

Lost in transformation

The dust purified me. The music reminded me that I’m alive. The art allowed me to reach in to my inner soul. The dance woke up the life hidden inside me. The people showed me that love is all around me. The food opened my eyes to generosity. …

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Sep 09 2016

Burning Man 2016 – Ulan

Below is some media I took this year.

This was, by far, my favorite year for art. In part this is because I was personally involved with almost a dozen pieces and got to know many of the artists over the last year. I have newfound appreciation for their hard work and dedication to their …

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