Monthly Archive: September 2015

Sep 17 2015

New XDJs

Can you get replacement XDJs when you buy them for Burning Man and they break within 48 hours? Yupp. 


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Sep 11 2015

What did I miss at Burning Man 2015


Disco Knights.

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Sep 10 2015

Yvine Live 18 – Burning Man 2015 (Unaverz Art Car)

Hey Unaverz Crew,

Thanks for allowing me to play on the Unaverz car again this year. Equipment struggles and all, it was a good time 🙂 Hope your return trip was a good one and you’re doing well adjusting to life in the default world.

As with last year, I recorded my set. You can …

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Sep 10 2015

Lycan Catt – Wish I’d Gone To Burning Man 2015

Here is a mix I did, a kind of wishful thinking tribute to me not going to Burning Man this year. -Lycan Catt

Lycan Catt – Wish I’d Gone To burning Man 2015 Wishful Thinking Mix.mp3

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Sep 04 2015


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