Seems like it’s always one more thing. Batteries at 10 years old and the valve stem of one of the tire broke.
Off I go again…
Apr 30 2013
Seems like it’s always one more thing. Batteries at 10 years old and the valve stem of one of the tire broke.
Off I go again…
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Apr 30 2013
So now I have to drive out to pick up one more part for the breaks. Sheesh!
Well, at least the sides and sliding door are off 🙂
Almost done. Max is changing the oil and putting on the last tire. We should have it tonight!
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Apr 27 2013
Below are examples of the performances I would like to have on UNAVERZ. Some would play during the day on their own. Others would play at night with the DJ on the playa in front of them.
This will be an ongoing list. Not everyone is alive or available. I am simply posting links …
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Apr 26 2013
DMV Registration Acceptance Letter 2013
Mutant Vehicle: UNAVERZ Registration #: M13-0244 Owner: Ulan McKnight
This is an invitation to bring your Mutant Vehicle to Burning Man 2013 for on-playa inspection.
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Apr 24 2013
A) How will the mutation be achieved? What methods and materials will be used?
Two different parts of the truck will be mutated: 1) the cab and 2) the bottom floor. Additionally, we will build a completely new 3) top floor.
1) The cab will be turned into Ra, the Egyptian Sun God. The windshield …
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Apr 24 2013
Here are our latest drawings.
Grey = metal Brown = wood Orange = fabric Red = sofa/throne Green = movie screen Dots = speakers
Side view (from the driver’s side)
3/4 view from the driver’s side
Top view of the lower deck layout
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Apr 23 2013
Jeff and I just spent some time at Albany Steel. We have decided on the materials list. Now we just have to price it out.
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Apr 22 2013
Seems our back driver-side break is not only broken but jammed. Bummer. Now Max needs to get a special tool just to get the hub off. Drag.
The good news is he hopes to have everything working by the end of the week.
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Apr 19 2013
I have been looking into how to build and then connect the top floor structures up on the Playa WITHOUT welding. While we may need to weld up there, I really don’t want to make it a central part of our experience. I would prefer to assemble everything with simple hand tools. With that in …
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Apr 18 2013
While walking along the Napili Beach in Maui I saw these two structures at the Napili Kai. The first is a sun shade and wind block.
This second one is a sun shade that would be perfect to use as our movie screen. It is maybe 15′ in diameter.
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