

Sep 25 2016

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Hard, workin’ it

That was a hell of a lot of work! Wow!

Started off the day around 10am with Keith organizing a small sound system for Cali’s The People Party.

I grabbed the truck, picked up Mike Hatt at West Oakland BART and actually started to unpack just before 1. I guestimated that it should take us a little over an hour to unload.

Almost three hours later, Sheri shows up with a wonderful lunch graciously provide by Scott and Ye (Thank you!! ?) and after eating our fill we finally finish with taking stuff off after 4!

Todd, Kito and Gerry arrived throughout the evening and we finally get the truck loaded and on the road back to Richmond at 8:30.

But the journey doesn’t end there! Gerry and Mike head off to New Parish to tune up the sound, Sheri and I go back to drop the truck, load our broken tweeters and 15″ drivers into my car and then proceed to drive Mike all the way to San Jose where he will fix and/or sell the speakers. We spirit Mike to an underground where he is DJing only to slide in some late late night dancing to our “Saucy Bass” at The People for Sheri and I and a bunch of Cali’s crew.

What a full and fantastic day in the life of Unaverz. I couldn’t ask for a better Crew! You guys are wonderful. So much fun 🙂











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