Category Archive: Journal

Aug 04 2016

Back at AmSteel – 2016

Looks like the patient survived!

We are back at AmSteel (for a bit anyway). Come join us for our work parties starting at 11am and running late.

Saturday, August 6 Sunday, August 14


Windshield wipers Windsheild wiper reservoir Fuel gauge Temperature gauge Head lights Dash lights Flood lights Running lights Door …

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Aug 03 2016

New radiator

The day began with me picking up an extra Burning Man ticket and a gaggle of shade from Sass. Later, Teph and Andre led as Kenny and I assisted where we could. While they did the, literal, heavy lifting, Kenny and I loaded the new items into the truck.

We all worked late into the …

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Jul 13 2016

Top deck and radiator

This is how the top deck should be secured for transport 🙂

Teph and Andre take out the old radiator. Now we have to find a new one and put it in.

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Jun 21 2016

Precom 2016 party shots by Ivan Weksler

Ivan Weksler took some great shots of the party. Check ’em out!

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Jun 20 2016

Precom Thank You!

A great big Thank Youâ„¢ goes out to everyone who made Precom 2016 happen.

I especially want to thank the folks from BMORG and in particular Blondie, Jonesy, Lumina and Griffin. You guys are so much fun to work with.

All of our performers were great. We loved hosting the Disco Knights DJs as they …

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May 03 2016

Because you are who you are

Because You Are Who You Are K.S. Rhoads

Whenever I’m around you I go home a little bit There’s just something about you Where the pieces all fit

There’s a lightness that surrounds you And it guides me like a star Oh, I am who I am Because you are who you are

Put your …

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May 02 2016

Free BBQ at Mid Harbor with the Shuffle Co-Op and Unaverz

The Shuffle Co-Op and Unaverz teamed up to throw another free BBQ at the Middle Harbor Shoreline Park in Oakland. A great time was had by all.

Thank you to Ivan Weksler for sharing his fantastic photos.

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Apr 29 2016

Water pumpy

Boris, Erich and Madeline get down with the auto porn big time. While they are juicing it up ina Monterey stylee, they fixed the lift gate, flushed the radiator, switched out the water pump, thinned the dome foam and implemented a host of other improvements. Wot time is it?!

From Erich:

Boris, Madeline and …

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Apr 26 2016

Boris in Belize

Boris visits Belize and swims with a comb jelly! Wot?!?

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Apr 21 2016

Monterey dance party

Madeline and Erich throw a dance party on Unaverz for the Monterey Crew. This is how we do!

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